23 research outputs found

    Business Functions Ontology and its Application in Semantic Business Process Modelling

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    Current business process modelling tools support neither restricting names nor using ontologies to describe process artefacts. This lack results in creating non-consistent process models which are difficult to understand, compare, evaluate and re-use, etc. Within this article we argue that the Business Functions Ontology (BFO) developed within the SUPER project may be effectively used while modelling processes as a mean for annotating them and thus help to avoid some of the above mentioned problems. We show the BFO structure as well as an example of its practical application within a tool for business process development

    Magnetic resonance-guided high-intensity ultrasound (MR-HIFU) in the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids — five-year experience

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    Objectives: Uterine fibroids (UF) are the most common benign tumors of the female reproductive organ. It is crucial to recognize that the appropriate treatment of UFs requires an individualized approach. The present paper aimed at the presentation of the five-year experience of our center in the treatment of UFs with the use of magnetic resonance-guided high-intensity ultrasound (MR-HIFU) therapy. Material and methods: The study enrolled a total of 1284 patients with symptomatic UFs. The Sonalleve MR-HIFU system (Philips Ingenia 3.0T System) was used for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) qualification and treatment. Results: The group of patients qualified for thermal ablation included 356 (28%) women. No significant differences were observed between the group undergoing thermal ablation and patients who were disqualified. A complete procedure was performed in 22.6% of patients who presented at the center. Non-perfused volume (NPV) is one of the most important parameters assessed during MR-HIFU procedures. The mean NPV value in the present study was 71%. The average UF volumes decreased by 27% at three-month follow-up ultrasound, by 34% after six months and by 39% as shown by MRI measurements performed 6 months post-treatment. Conclusions: According to our data, MR-HIFU therapy is associated with good clinical outcomes in patients with symptomatic UFs. The method facilitates a marked symptom reduction and, in many cases, diminishing tumor volume. The presented five-year outcomes as regards our experience in the MR-HIFU therapy of patients with symptomatic UFs indicate that the method offers an attractive alternative to the traditional methods of UF treatment in selected cases

    Service interdependencies: insight into use cases for service composition

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    The paper analyses several most appealing use cases for Semantic Web services and their composition. They are considered from the perspective of service types, QoS parameters, semantic description and user preferences. We introduce different levels of service composition and discuss implications of the above.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Service interdependencies: insight into use cases for service composition

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    Abstract. The paper analyses several most appealing use cases for Semantic Web services and their composition. They are considered from the perspective of service types, QoS parameters, semantic description and user preferences. We introduce different levels of service composition and discuss implications of the above

    Service interdependencies: insight into use cases for service composition

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    The paper analyses several most appealing use cases for Semantic Web services and their composition. They are considered from the perspective of service types, QoS parameters, semantic description and user preferences. We introduce different levels of service composition and discuss implications of the above.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Twórczość autobiograficzna na Bliskim Wschodzie oraz w Azji Środkowej

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    Tekst Piotra Bachtina stanowi analizę czterech kobiecych dzienników z pielgrzymki do Mekki, spisanych między końcem XVII a końcem XIX wieku. Przedmiotem zainteresowań Ashrafa S. Benyamina jest autobiografia Tahy Husajna, jednego z najwybitniejszych intelektualistów w historii Egiptu. Jagoda Budzik ogniskuje swoją refleksję wokół cyklu poetyckiego "Ani Szliszi" Adiego Wolfsona, należącego do tzw. "pokolenia postpamięci" - potomków ofiar Holokaustu. Sylwia Filipowska przez pryzmat twórczości autobiograficznej obserwuje fascynujące spotkania kultur: szlacheckiej Rzeczypospolitej z Orientem, na który okno stanowił osmański Stambuł (1453-1922). Tekst Agnieszki Graczyk skupia się wokół problemu relacji między prawdą a fikcją w utworach autobiograficznych współczesnych pisarek arabskich. Pytanie o stosunek prawdy i fikcji powraca w artykule Moniki Janoty, poświęconym XI-wiecznemu "Traktatowi o przewodnikach i zwodnikach" pióra Abu 'Amira Ibn Szuhajda al-Andalusiego. Izabela Kończak przedstawia postać Kulsum 'Awdy - palestyńskiej prekursorki kobiecej autobiografii. Ewa Machut-Mendecka dokonuje przeglądu bogatej XX-wiecznej arabskiej twórczości autobiograficznej pod kątem wyłaniających się z niej obrazów konfliktów. Pełen repertuar technik i taktyk mówienia autobiograficznej prawdy wyłania się ze studium Adrianny Maśko, stanowiącego ujęcie trzech autotematycznych utworów egipskiej pisarki Radwy 'Aszur przez pryzmat wykorzystanych w nich strategii narracyjnych. Czytając dzienniki z podróży do Europy XIX-wiecznego syryjskiego pisarza Fransisa Marrasza, Joanna Musiatewicz zauważa pewną tendencyjność charakteryzującą proces percepcji, a co za tym idzie - opisu świata zewnętrznego. Adam Pleskaczyński i Wawrzyniec Popiel-Machnicki kreślą intrygujący portret Bronisława Grąbczewskiego - podróżnika i badacza terenów Azji Środkowej. Grażyna Zając opowiada historię autobiograficznego oszustwa, jakiego dopuścił się autor rzekomych wspomnień sułtana Abdulhamita II, opublikowanych po raz pierwszy w 1919 roku i kilkakrotnie wznawianych na przestrzeni prawie sześciu kolejnych dekad.Publikacja zawiera dwanaście artykułów dotyczących rozmaitych zagadnień związanych z twórczością autobiograficzną na terenie Bliskiego Wschodu oraz Azji Środkowej od średniowiecza po współczesność. Ich autorzy, głównie filolodzy orientalni, reprezentują najważniejsze ośrodki akademickie w Polsce.Wydział Neofilologii i Katedra Studiów Azjatyckich UA

    W sprawie przestępstwa oszustwa gospodarczego z art. 298 k.k.

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    Istota prania brudnych pieniędzy w polskim prawie karnym

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    Nadzór nad rynkiem ubezpieczeniowym na przykładzie Polski i Stanów Zjednoczonych – model działania

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    Supervision of insurance markets working models of Poland and the United States Over the last few years, the financial market has been progressing rapidly in new technologies, products and international range, especially in the area of insurance. This against changing laws and policies, there arises a need to check the working model of supervision and its institutions, who is responsible and is it keeping up-to-date with events on the market. Then compare the model and special institutions to other countries. This article uses the United States since it is a large, mature and fast changing system. Poland may have less institutions than the United States, but that does not translate to a less functional system, it is important to check the rules present in the Polish control system and how strong they fare on the market.Supervision of insurance markets working models of Poland and the United States Over the last few years, the financial market has been progressing rapidly in new technologies, products and international range, especially in the area of insurance. This against changing laws and policies, there arises a need to check the working model of supervision and its institutions, who is responsible and is it keeping up-to-date with events on the market. Then compare the model and special institutions to other countries. This article uses the United States since it is a large, mature and fast changing system. Poland may have less institutions than the United States, but that does not translate to a less functional system, it is important to check the rules present in the Polish control system and how strong they fare on the market